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Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.




Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.
Developing and Delivering Business Presentations

Developing and Delivering Business Presentations

Developing and Delivering Business Presentations is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This lecture shows students how to adapt the three-step process to business presentations. It includes sections on creating effective visuals and handouts, overcoming anxiety, handling questions, embracing the backchannel, giving presentations online, and giving team presentations. Learning Objectives: Highlight the importance of presentations in your business career, and explain how to adapt the planning step of the three-step process to presentations. Describe the tasks involved in developing a presentation. Describe the six major design and writing tasks required to enhance your presentation with effective visuals. Outline four major tasks involved in completing a presentation. Describe four important aspects of delivering a presentation in today’s social media environment. In this file you will find: 1 Developing and Delivering Business Presentations Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals

Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals

Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This Lecture wraps up the sequence on developing reports and proposals. It also includes coverage of writing for websites and wikis, as well as creating visuals for illustrating reports. Learning Objectives: List the topics commonly covered in the introduction, body, and close of informational reports, analytical reports, and proposals. Identify five characteristics of effective writing in online reports, and explain how to adapt your writing approach for wikis. Discuss six principles of graphic design that can improve the quality of your visuals, and identify the major types of business visuals. Summarize the four tasks involved in completing business reports and proposals. In this file you will find: Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Planning Reports and Proposals

Planning Reports and Proposals

Planning Reports and Proposals is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This lecture investigates the tasks involved in planning longer documents. In this lecture, we also include coverage of conducting the research that is often needed for reports and presentations. Because conventional website content often functions like an informational report, we address the planning stage of website development in this lecture as well. Learning Objectives: Adapt the three-step writing process to reports and proposals. Describe an effective process for conducting business research, explain how to evaluate the credibility of an information source, and identify the five ways to use research results. Explain the role of secondary research, and describe the two major categories of online research tools. Explain the role of primary research, and identify the two most common forms of primary research for business communication purposes. Explain how to plan informational reports and website content. Identify the three most common ways to organize analytical reports. Explain how to plan proposals. In this file you will find: 1 Planning Reports and Proposals Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Writing Persuasive Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Persuasive Messages (Business Communication)

**Writing Persuasive Messages **is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This Lecture completes the section on brief message types with a look at persuasive messages, which we divide into persuasive business messages and marketing and sales messages. Key points for both categories include learning how to frame an argument, balancing emotional and logical appeals, reinforcing one’s position, anticipating objections, and avoiding common mistakes in persuasive communication. Learning Objectives: Apply the three-step writing process to persuasive messages. Describe an effective process for developing persuasive business messages, and identify the three most common categories of persuasive business messages. Describe an effective strategy for developing marketing and sales messages, and explain how to modify your approach when writing promotional messages for social media. Identify steps you can take to avoid ethical lapses in marketing and sales messages. In this file you will find: 1 Writing Persuasive Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Writing Negative Messages (Business Communication) Writing Routine and Positive Messages (Business Communication) Writing Business Messages (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Writing Negative Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Negative Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Negative Messages is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This Lecture continues the discussion of brief message types with a look at negative (“bad-news”) messages. Students will get practice with both the direct and indirect approaches in a variety of specific message scenarios. A particular point of emphasis in this lecture is helping students understand that negative messages don’t have to be—and in fact should not be—delivered in a negative way. By maintaining a focus on ethics, etiquette, and audience needs, bad news can be delivered in ways that are sensitive and professional while still being effective. Learning Objectives: Apply the three-step writing process to negative messages. Explain how to use the direct approach effectively when conveying negative news. Explain how to use the indirect approach effectively when conveying negative news. Explain the importance of maintaining high standards of ethics and etiquette when delivering negative messages Describe successful strategies for sending negative messages on routine business matters. List the important points to consider when conveying negative organizational news. Describe successful strategies for sending negative employment-related messages. In this file you will find: 1 Writing Negative Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Writing Routine and Positive Messages Completing Business Messages (Business Communication) Writing Business Messages (Business Communication) Planning Business Messages (Business Communication) Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Writing Routine and Positive Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Routine and Positive Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Routine and Positive Messages is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This lecture focuses on creating brief messages for digital channels, including social networks, email, instant messaging and text messaging, blogging and microblogging, and podcasting. Moreover, this lecture focuses on writing routine and positive messages more suitable for the direct approach. This chapter off practical advice for crafting professional messages for digital channels, starting with an overview of the most important digital channels used in business today and following with specific advice for using social networks, information and content sharing websites, email, instant messaging, blogging and microblogging, and podcasting. Learning Objectives: Identify the major digital channels used for brief business messages, and describe the nine compositional modes needed for digital media. Describe how companies use social networking platforms, and explain how to write effective content for these channels. Explain how to adapt the three-step writing process to email messages, and describe the importance of email subject lines. Identify the major types of business messaging, and list guidelines for effective messaging in the workplace. Describe the uses of blogging in business communication, and briefly explain how to adapt the three-step process to blogging. Describe the uses of Twitter and other microblogging systems in business communication, and offer tips on writing effective tweets. Outline the process of producing business podcasts. Outline an effective strategy for writing routine business requests. Describe three common types of routine requests. Outline an effective strategy for writing routine replies, routine messages, and positive messages. Describe seven common types of routine replies and positive messages. In this file you will find: 1 Writing Routine and Positive Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 2 Test Bank with 100 different questions each with full answer description and explanation 2 Folder with relevant pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Completing Business Messages (Business Communication)

Completing Business Messages (Business Communication)

Completing Business Messages is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This Lecture is covering the tasks involved in completing a message: revising, producing, proofreading, and distributing messages. It includes advice on evaluating, editing, and revising the work of other writers and on designing messages for mobile devices. Learning Objectives: Discuss the value of careful revision, and describe the tasks involved in evaluating your first drafts and the work of other writers. List four techniques you can use to improve the readability of your messages. Describe eight steps you can take to improve the clarity of your writing, and give four tips for making your writing more concise. List four principles of effective design, and explain the role of major design elements in document readability. Explain the importance of proofreading, and give eight tips for successful proofreading. Discuss the most important issues to consider when distributing your messages. Lecture Outline: Revising Your Message: Evaluating the First Draft Evaluating Your Content, Organization, Style, and Tone Evaluating, Editing, and Revising the Work of Others Revising to Improve Readability Varying Your Sentence Length Keeping Your Paragraphs Short Using Lists to Clarify and Emphasize Adding Headings and Subheadings Editing for Clarity and Conciseness Editing for Clarity Editing for Conciseness Producing Your Message Designing for Readability White Space Margins and Justification Typefaces Type Styles Formatting Formal Letters and Memos Designing Messages for Mobile Devices Proofreading Your Message Distributing Your Message In this file you will find: 1 Completing Business Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Writing Business Messages (Business Communication) Planning Business Messages (Business Communication) Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace (Business Communication) Collaboration and Business Etiquette (Business Communication) Interpersonal Communication Skills (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Writing Business Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Business Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Business Messages is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. The two tasks covered in this lecture are adapting to your audience (including being sensitive to audience needs, building strong relationships, and controlling your style and tone) and composing your message (including choosing powerful words, creating effective sentences, and crafting unified, coherent paragraphs). The Lecture concludes with advice on writing messages for mobile devices. Lecture Agenda: Adapting to Your Audience: Being Sensitive to Audience Needs Using the “You” Attitude Maintaining Standards of Etiquette Emphasizing the Positive Using Bias-Free Language Adapting to Your Audience: Building Strong Relationships Establishing Your Credibility Projecting Your Company’s Image Adapting to Your Audience: Controlling Your Style and Tone Using a Conversational Tone Using Plain Language Selecting the Active or Passive Voice Composing Your Message: Choosing Powerful Words Understanding Denotation and Connotation Balancing Abstract and Concrete Words Finding Words That Communicate Well Composing Your Message: Creating Effective Sentences Choosing from the Four Types of Sentences Using Sentence Style to Emphasize Key Thoughts Composing Your Message: Crafting Unified, Coherent Paragraphs Creating the Elements of a Paragraph Topic Sentence Support Sentences Transitions Choosing the Best Way to Develop a Paragraph Writing Messages for Mobile Devices Learning Objectives: Identify the four aspects of being sensitive to audience needs when writing business messages. Identify seven characteristics that build and maintain a communicator’s credibility. Explain how to achieve a tone that is conversational but businesslike, explain the value of using plain language, and define active and passive voice. Describe how to select words that are both correct and effective. Define the four types of sentences, and explain how sentence style affects emphasis within a message. Define the three key elements of a paragraph, and list five ways to develop unified, coherent paragraphs. List five techniques for writing effective messages for mobile readers. In this file you will find: 1 Writing Business Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Planning Business Messages (Business Communication) Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Planning Business Messages (Business Communication)

Planning Business Messages (Business Communication)

Planning Business Messages is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This lecture introduces the three-step writing process and covers the tasks in the writing step: analyzing the situation, gathering the information needed to craft an effective message, choosing the best combination of media and communication channels, and organizing the information. Moreover, it deals with the fundamentals of crafting messages, including audience analysis, organization, style, tone, and basic document design. Your students can learn the skills required to write messages that are clear, interesting, concise, diplomatic, and convincing. Learning Objectives: Describe the three-step writing process. Explain why it’s important to analyze a communication situation in order to define your purpose and profile your audience before writing a message. Discuss information-gathering options for simple messages, and identify three attributes of quality information. List the factors to consider when choosing the most appropriate medium for a message. Explain why good organization is important to both you and your audience, and list the tasks involved in organizing a message. In this file you will find: 1 Planning Business Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World (Business Communication ) Collaboration and Business Etiquette (Business Communication) Interpersonal Communication Skills (Business Communication) Communication Challenges in Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace (Business Communication)

Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace (Business Communication)

Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This lecture explores the opportunities and challenges that a diverse business environment presents to today’s professional communicators, including the importance of developing cultural competency and recognizing all the dimensions of diversity. The lecture closes with advice for adapting to other business cultures and improving intercultural communication skills. Learning Objectives: 1 Discuss the opportunities and challenges of intercultural communication. 2 Define cultural competency, and explain the influence of culture on business communication. 3 Explain the importance of recognizing cultural variations, and list eight key dimensions of cultural diversity. 4 List four general guidelines for adapting to any business culture. 5 Identify six steps you can take to improve your intercultural communication skills. In this file you will find: 1 Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World (Business Communication ) Collaboration and Business Etiquette (Business Communication) Interpersonal Communication Skills (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Collaboration and Business Etiquette (Business Communication)

Collaboration and Business Etiquette (Business Communication)

Collaboration and Business Etiquette is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This lecture continues the exploration of interpersonal communication with discussions of teamwork, virtual teams, collaborative communication, meetings, and business etiquette. Learning Objectives: List the advantages and disadvantages of working in teams, describe the characteristics of effective teams, explain how teams evolve, and offer advice on working in virtual teams. Offer guidelines for collaborative communication, identify major collaboration technologies, and explain how to give constructive feedback. List the key steps needed to ensure productive team meetings. Explain the importance of business etiquette, and identify five areas in which good etiquette is essential. In this file you will find: 1 Collaboration and Business Etiquette Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Interpersonal Communication Skills (Business Communication)

Interpersonal Communication Skills (Business Communication)

Interpersonal Communication Skills is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This Lecture explores five important aspects of interpersonal communication: listening, nonverbal communication, workplace conversations, conflict management, and negotiation. Learning Objectives: Explain why listening is such a complex communication process, and describe three steps to becoming a better listener. Explain the importance of nonverbal communication and identify six major categories of nonverbal expression. Outline an effective process for initiating, sustaining, and concluding workplace conversations. Explain the causes of workplace conflict, and identify five productive steps for resolving conflict. Describe the importance of negotiation as a communication skill, and explain how to prepare for and conduct a negotiation. In this file you will find: 1 Interpersonal Communication Skills Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World (Business Communication ) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World (Business Communication )

Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World (Business Communication )

Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This lecture emphasizes the importance of effective communication, explains what it means to communicate in a professional context, describes the communication process model and the ways social media have changed the nature of business communication, introduces students to three major classes of communication technology, and offers guidance for making ethical choices as a business communicator. Learning Objectives: Explain the importance of effective communication to your career and to the companies where you will work. Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context. Contrast the conventional communication process model with the social communication model. Identify five major benefits of business communication technology and three major innovations that are reshaping the practice of communication. Define ethics, explain the difference between an ethical dilemma and an ethical lapse, and list six guidelines for making ethical communication choices. Identify six related skills that you will have the opportunity to develop as you work on your communication skills in this course. In this file you will find: 1 Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
SEGMENTATION, TARGETING, AND POSITIONING in International Marketing, STP in International Marketing

SEGMENTATION, TARGETING, AND POSITIONING in International Marketing, STP in International Marketing

SEGMENTATION, TARGETING, AND POSITIONING in International Marketing is a separate lecture which is covered during International Marketing Module with a Bachelor level student. In this file you will find: 1 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning in International Marketing Lecture Power Point Presentation 2 Case Studies (with answers) 1 File for teacher reading in order to get additional insights about topic (may give it to students as well) 1 Detailed Lesson Plan 1 File with additional discussion question Learning Objectives of the Lecture Power Point Presentation: Identify the variables that global marketers can use to segment global markets and give an example of each. Explain the criteria that global marketers use to choose specific markets to target. Understand how global marketers use a product-market grid to make targeting decisions. Compare and contrast the three main target market strategy options. Describe the various positioning options available to global marketers. You may also like: Global Marketing Information Systems and Market Research. International MIS. International Research Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments Social and Cultural Environments Global Trade Environment Global Economic Environment Introduction to Global Marketing Once you will purchase resource please leave comment!
Global Marketing Information Systems and Market Research. International MIS. International Research

Global Marketing Information Systems and Market Research. International MIS. International Research

Global Marketing Information Systems and Market Research is a separate lecture which is covered during International Marketing Module with a Bachelor level student. In this file you will find: 1 Global Marketing Information Systems and Market Research Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Case Study on Nestle Company (with answers) 1 Case Study on Whirlpool company (with answers) 1 File for teacher reading in order to get additional insights about topic (may give it to students as well) 1 Detailed Lesson Plan 1 File with additional discussion question and 1 exercise Learning Objectives of the Lecture Power Point Presentation: Discuss the roles of IT, MIS, and big data in a global company’s decision-making processes. Describe the various sources of market information, including direct perception. Identify the individual steps in the traditional market research process and explain some of the ways global marketers adapt them. Compare the way a multinational firm organizes the marketing research effort with the way a global or transnational firm approaches the organizing issue. Explain how information’s role as a strategic asset affects the structure of global corporations. You may also like: Social and Cultural Environments Global Trade Environment Global Economic Environment Introduction to Global Marketing Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments Once you will purchase resource please leave comment!
Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments

Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments

Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments is a separate lecture which is covered during International Marketing Module with a Bachelor level student. In this file you will find: 1 Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Case Study Will Western Sanctions Hurt Putin’s Russia? (with answers) 1 Case Study President Barack Obama’s 2014 “Christmas Surprise” (with answers) 1 Case Study Gambling Goes Global on the Internet (with answers) 1 File for teacher reading in order to get additional insights about topic (may give it to students as well) 1 Detailed Lesson Plan Learning Objectives of the Lecture Power Point Presentation: Understand the elements of a country’s political environment that can impact global marketing activities. Define international law and describe the main types of legal systems found in different parts of the world. Understand the most important business issues that can lead to legal problems for global marketers. Describe the available alternatives for conflict resolution and dispute settlement when doing business outside the home country. In general terms, outline the regulatory environment in the European Union. You may also like: Social and Cultural Environments Global Trade Environment Global Economic Environment Introduction to Global Marketing Once you will purchase teaching materials please leave comments!
Social and Cultural Environments

Social and Cultural Environments

Social and Cultural Environments is a separate lecture which is covered during International Marketing Module with a Bachelor level student. In this file you will find: 1 Social and Cultural Environments Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Case Study Soccer in the USA: Football’s Final Frontier? 1 Case Study Is Tourism the Savior or the Scourge of Venice? 1 File for teacher reading in order to get additional insights about topic (may give it to students as well) 1 Detailed Lesson Plan Learning Objectives of the Lecture Power Point Presentation: Define culture and identify the various expressions and manifestations of culture that can impact marketing strategies. Compare and contrast the key aspects of high- and low-context cultures. Identify and briefly explain the major dimensions of Hofstede’s social values typology. Explain how the self-reference criterion can affect decision making at global companies and provide a step-by-step example of a company adapting to conditions in a global market. Analyze the components of diffusion theory and its applicability to global marketing. Explain the marketing implications of social and cultural environments around the globe. You may also like: Global Trade Environment Global Economic Environment Introduction to Global Marketing Once you will purchase materials please leave comments!
Global Trade Environment

Global Trade Environment

The Global Trade Environment is a separate lecture which is covered during International Marketing Module with a Bachelor level student. In this file you will find: 1 The Global Trade Environment Lecture Power Point Presentation 2 Case Studies for Seminar Discussions 1 File for teacher reading in order to get additional insights about topic (may give it to students as well) 1 Detailed Lesson Plan 1 File with additional Exercises which might be used during Seminar Class. Learning Objectives of the Lecture Power Point Presentation: Explain the role of the WTO in facilitating global trade relations among nations. Compare and contrast the four main categories of preferential trade agreements. Explain the trade relationship dynamics among signatories of NAFTA. Identify the four main preferential trade agreements in Latin American and the key members of each. Identify the main preferential trade agreements Asia-Pacific region. Describe the various forms of economic integration in Europe. Describe the activities of the regional organizations in the Middle East. Identify the issues for global marketers wishing to expand in Africa You may also like: Global Economic Environment Introduction to Global Marketing Once you will purchase product please leave comment!
Global Economic Environment

Global Economic Environment

The Global Economic Environment is a separate lecture which is covered during International Marketing Module with a Bachelor level student. In this file you will find: 1 The Global Economic Environment Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Case Study about Venezuela Economic Environment 1 Case Study about World Economic Environment 1 File for teacher reading in order to get additional insights about topic (may give it to students as well) 1 Detailed Lesson Plan 1 File with additional Exercises which might be used during Seminar Class. Learning Objectives of the Lecture Power Point Presentation: Identify and briefly explain major changes in the world economy over the last 100 years Compare and contrast types of economic systems that are found in the different regions of the world Explain the stages of economic development used by the World Bank and identify the key emerging country markets at each stage of development Discuss the significance balance of payments for the world’s major economies Identify the countries that are leading exporters Briefly explain how exchange rates impact a company’s opportunities in different parts around the world You may also like: Introduction to Global Marketing Once you will purchase product please leave comment.
Introduction to Global Marketing

Introduction to Global Marketing

Introduction to Global Marketing is a separate lecture which is covered during International Marketing Module with a Bachelor level student. In this file you will find: 1 Introduction to Global Marketing Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Case Study about McDonald`s 1 Case Study about Apple and Samsung 1 File for teacher reading in order to get additional insights about topic (may give it to students as well) 1 Detailed Lesson Plan 1 File with additional Exercises which might be used during Seminar Class. Learning Objectives of the Lecture Power Point Presentation: 1.1 Use the product/market growth matrix to explain the various ways a company can expand globally. 1.2 Describe how companies in global industries pursue competitive advantage. 1.3 Compare and contrast single-country marketing strategy with global marketing strategy. 1.4 Identify the companies at the top of the Global 500 rankings. 1.5 Explain the stages a company goes through as its management orientation evolves from domestic and ethnocentric to global and geocentric. 1.6 Discuss the driving and restraining forces affecting global integration today. ** Please Rate this teaching materials once you will purchase it!**